How to write REAL characters.

In writing, you are either a natural world-builder and plot-driven writer or you’re a natural character mastermind and character-driven writer. For me, I’m a plot-driven writer. Coming up with new worlds with complex issues and community conflicts for my characters to solve is naturally where my ideas originate. Even though I always have a notionContinue reading “How to write REAL characters.”


Waters lapped,Currents swirled,Beneath my feet a worldBlossomed ripeLiked a fruit for plucking.Scattered light twirledIn an iridescent showerOver the surfaceOf my body, a flowerFloating on the ocean,Drifting in the bloom.I was alone yetI was whole in the wombOf the water.I tread lightly as the spiritRose highly,Black and white andRight and mighty.The orca of my dreams,Gliding withinContinue reading “Orca.”

The Exit – Short Story

She had it sealed in an envelope in her bag. It had been finalized and printed weeks ago, but the time to deliver it hadn’t yet arrived. So, it stayed there, resting like a caterpillar that had crawled into its cocoon expecting to die but came out as a butterfly. No. It came out asContinue reading “The Exit – Short Story”

Why Perfectionism is Killing your Characters

In life I strive to be a better version of myself. ‘Better’ can look like: Happier Mentally stronger Physically leaner Great decision making Less mistakes Time efficiency Indestructible patience Financial security Prettier house Prettier Instagram feed The list goes on. In the above list I can identify flaws in my way of viewing ‘better’ andContinue reading “Why Perfectionism is Killing your Characters”

How to Overcome Scene-Paralysis

Are you stuck on how to begin writing the scene you have lingering somewhere in your mind? Have you got a ‘notion’ of what you need to write but no idea where to begin? Congratulations! You are only one step away from being a writer! All that is left is to write. But, how? ThereContinue reading “How to Overcome Scene-Paralysis”

Why you need a Writers Group

For many years, writing was a solitary process. It was a solitary passion. Whether I was sharing content on social media, my website, or Wattpad, I felt a lack of community. My readers were my family (after I annoyed them enough to read my content) and occasionally my co-workers. Despite the number of writers IContinue reading “Why you need a Writers Group”

Becoming a Minority, a memoir.

It was never my intention to make myself a minority. I always had a chip on my shoulder about my upbringing – as does any teenager who gives up their weekends for their parent’s business – but it never drove me to intentionally seek uncommon pathways…

How to be original as a writer.

As a writer, both of non-fiction and fiction works, I am often challenged with my own nagging voices of doubt. As most of my fiction writing is a collection of incoherent notes, random images in my mind, and barely-started manuscripts, it’s easy to feel isolated in my passion. Reading other works offers inspiration, but canContinue reading “How to be original as a writer.”


Below is a blog post I wrote in the winter of 2018 after attending the Melbourne Writer’s Festival, yet it is still very applicable. In the current state of the world and with our abnormal work and lifestyle circumstances there is still something to be learned and our teachers are still everywhere. This year wasContinue reading “Teachers”