Embracing Unexpected Growth

On the precipice of a new year, the conversation of goals emerges all around us. Yet, I want to share a different narrative. My growth this year showcases the beauty of unintentional personal development and the unanticipated bonds that can form in its wake. Not all growth is planned, and that’s a good thing.

Capable VS Confident: How do we bridge the gap?

We often turn down opportunities or experiences because we aren’t confident in our abilities to execute them, even if we are (more than) capable. Yet, it is this awkward place outside of our comfort zone – between capable and confident – where we see the greatest returns. So, what’s the difference between feeling confident VSContinue reading “Capable VS Confident: How do we bridge the gap?”

How to be original as a writer.

As a writer, both of non-fiction and fiction works, I am often challenged with my own nagging voices of doubt. As most of my fiction writing is a collection of incoherent notes, random images in my mind, and barely-started manuscripts, it’s easy to feel isolated in my passion. Reading other works offers inspiration, but canContinue reading “How to be original as a writer.”


I am now a qualified Heavy Vehicle Technician, seven months earlier than my anticipated completion date, and work feels the exact same! Am I disillusioned? No. I knew it would feel like this. For the last three and a half years my identity has been ‘apprentice diesel mechanic’. I never called myself just a ‘dieselContinue reading “Qualified.”