Travelling through Work Experience

Work experience was the sole reason I found an interest in a trade career. If I hadn’t signed up ignorant of what the experience was about, I wouldn’t have considered it. I’d had no exposure to the field of trades, nor had it recommended to me in any capacity. It was too far beyond anythingContinue reading “Travelling through Work Experience”

How I Accidentally Became a Diesel Mechanic

I wanted to change the content up this week – since we’re still at the beginning stages of this journey together – and share my story of how I became a diesel mechanic, which, by the way, was an accident! I had the opportunity to speak to seven different groups of year 9 students atContinue reading “How I Accidentally Became a Diesel Mechanic”

A Comment on Work Experience.

I was recently asked to make a short video talking about the value of Work Experience for my high school. It’s an exciting topic for me because Work Experience was a pivotal moment in my life. Due to the industry connection between my first employer and my high school’s Trade Training Center, I was able toContinue reading “A Comment on Work Experience.”